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Lassen County 4-H Program

4-H Youth Program

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The 4-H Youth Development Program is an educational youth program conducted by the University of California Cooperative Extension.  The purpose of 4-H is to help young people discover and develop their potential and grow into competent, contributing, and caring citizens.  Learn-by-doing activities, youth-adult partnerships, and research-based educational programs help young people enhance their leadership abilities and develop a wide range of other life skills including responsibility, community service, citizenship and critical thinking. 

Sandy Fortin, 4-H Community Education Specialist
Phone: 530-251-8285

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"Head-Heart-Hands-Health" represents the four H's in the 4-H clover.  Whether youth participate in animal, cooking, creative arts, leadership or citizenship projects, the 4-H Youth Development Program's mission and goals remain the same...to help youth develop to their full potential!

Emi 4-H


Member and Leader: Resources - University of California 4-H Youth Development Program (ucanr.edu)

Project Record Book Manual: California 4-H Record Book (ucanr.edu)

Required California New & Returning Volunteer Courses: CA 4-H New & Returning Volunteer Trainings