Rice Systems Farm Advisor
Cooperative Extension Colusa County100 Sunrise Blvd
Suite E
Colusa, CA 95932
(530) 203-8585

Also in:
Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
M.S. Horticulture and Agronomy - Weed Science, University of California, Davis. 2022
B.S. Plant and Environmental Soil Science, Texas A&M University. 2020
Rice, Herbicide resistance, rice weedsAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
Peer Reviewed
- Becerra-Alvarez, A.; Marsh, S.L., et al. (2024). Weed control and water-seeded rice response to pyraclonil applied at different timings and in herbicide combinations. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. https://doi.org/10.1002/cft2.20284
Marsh, S. L.; Al-Khatib, K. (2023). Responses of rice genotypes to foliar-applied metribuzin. Weed Technology. 37:5, 8. 10/13/2023. https://doi.org/10.1017/wet.2023.76
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Johnson, Tim; Marsh Janish, Sarah (2025). Conversation with the California Rice Commission with Tim Johnson (Pt. 1). Thoughts on Rice Podcast. January 6 2025. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/16234069-2-1-conversation-with-the-california-rice-commission-with-tim-johnson-pt-1
- Johnson, Tim; Marsh Janish, Sarah (2025). Conversation with the California Rice Commission with Tim Johnson (Pt. 2). Thoughts on Rice Podcast. January 13 2025. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/16370978-2-2-conversation-with-the-california-rice-commission-with-tim-johnson-pt-2
- Beets, Jens; Marsh Janish, Sarah (2024). Algae and cyanobacteria with Jens Beets. December 23 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/16046989-1-17-algae-and-cyanobacteria-with-jens-beets
- Brim-Deforest, Whitney; Linquist, Bruce, et al. (2024). August Rice Round Table With Whitney Brim-Deforest and Bruce Linquist. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. September 2 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15678158-1-7-august-rice-round-table-with-whitney-brim-deforest-and-bruce-linquist
- Marsh, Sarah (2024). Bakanae symptoms in the Sacramento Valley. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. July 29 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15470013-1-2-bakanae-symptoms-in-the-sacramento-valley
- Marsh, Sarah (2024). Be Wary of Relying on Chat GPT for Agricultural Questions. UC Weed Science. September 3, 2024. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=60548&
- Brim-Deforest, Whitney; Espino, Luis, et al. (2024). Early Fall Rice Round Table with the UCCE Rice Group. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. October 7. https://www.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15816854
- Espino, Luis; Marsh, Sarah (2024). From the Field: Blast Found! With Luis Espino. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. August 13 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15562923-from-the-field-blast-found-with-luis-espino
- Espino, Luis; Marsh, Sarah (2024). Grasshoppers and rodents in rice fields with Luis Espino. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. August 5 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15496913-1-3-grasshoppers-and-rodents-in-rice-fields-with-luis-espino
- Linquist, Bruce; Marsh, Sarah (2024). Lessons from the Rice Yield Contest with Bruce Linquist. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. September 23 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15764057-1-10-lessons-from-the-rice-yield-contest-with-bruce-linquist
- Linquist, Bruce; Marsh, Sarah (2024). No-till rice with Bruce Linquist. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. September 16 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15670768-1-9-no-till-rice-with-bruce-linquist
- Coslovich, Jason; Matthews, Luke, et al. (2024). Off-season bird habitat conservation programs with Jason Coslovich and Luke Matthews. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. November 4 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/16033096-1-13-off-season-bird-habitat-conservation-programs-with-jason-coslovich-and-luke-matthews
- Espino, Luis; Marsh, Sarah (2024). Rice blast basics with Luis Espino. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. September 9 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15615269-1-8-rice-blast-basics-with-luis-espino
- Brim-Deforest, Whitney; Marsh, Sarah (2024). Rice herbicide resistance with Whitney Brim-Deforest. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. August 26 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15554414-1-6-rice-herbicide-resistance-with-whitney-brim-deforest
- Blank, Timothy; Marsh Janish, Sarah (2024). Rice Quality Assurance Program with Timothy Blank. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. November 18 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15966883-1-14-rice-quality-assurance-program-with-timothy-blank
- Blank, Timothy; Marsh Janish, Sarah (2024). Rice Seed Certification Program with Timothy Blank. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. October 21, 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15958688-1-12-rice-seed-certification-program-with-timothy-blank
- Rosenberg, Sara; Marsh Janish, Sarah (2024). Rotating rice and winter cover crops (Pt. 2) with Sara Rosenberg. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. December 9 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/16179240-1-16-rotating-rice-and-winter-cover-crops-pt-2-with-sara-rosenberg
- Rosenberg, Sara; Marsh Janish, Sarah (2024). Rotating rice with Sara Rosenberg (Pt. 1). Thoughts on Rice Podcast. December 2 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/16046982-1-15-rotating-rice-with-sara-rosenberg-pt-1
- Espino, Luis; Marsh, Sarah (2024). Second peak of armyworms with Luis Espino. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. August 12 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15496918-1-4-second-peak-of-armyworms-with-luis-espino
- Brim-Deforest, Whitney; Marsh, Sarah (2024). Weedy rice with Whitney Brim-Deforest. Thoughts on Rice Podcast. August 19 2024. https://thoughtsonrice.buzzsprout.com/2387925/episodes/15548395-1-5-weedy-rice-with-whitney-brim-deforest
Becerra-Alvarez, Aaron; Marsh, Sarah L., et al. (2024). Zembu™: A New Residual Herbicide for Early-Season Weed Control in Water-Seeded Rice. UC Weed Science. 01/21/2024. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=58764
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Weed - Member